Where Are They Now? Br. Rob Robertson, CSV

Religion Teacher, Campus Minister, and School Counselor from 1989-2015

Favorite Saint Viator/Sacred Heart memory:
The many Kairos retreats and students hanging out in my office in counseling just chilling out. I was there from the beginning on Kairos #1 and I believe it changed the school. I have seen so many miracles happen on Kairos while we were on "God's Time". I also always remember the excitement every year around the time of the annual school musical. The entire school was buzzing with excitement as Saint Viator put on another incredible performance to packed houses with casts of hundreds. And finally, I will remember the incredible days surrounding Bro. Ruhl's funeral when students lined the halls as his casket was brought in the building for the final time. The scene reminded me of the power that one great educator could have on young people as I saw the pain in their eyes on that and the following days. I have so many happy and rewarding memories of a place I spent nearly 1/3 of my life.

Impact teaching at Saint Viator/Sacred Heart had on you:
My years at Saint Viator were some of the most influential of my life. I made lifelong friends among faculty and students. I grew spiritually and emotionally. Most of all, I learned what a great community can do when people are focused on the same mission.

What made Saint Viator unique: 
The community that became like family and stayed in touch many years later.

Former colleagues you stay in touch with:
So many - Eileen Manno, Eileen Cairo, Rosie Conway, Betsy Fons, Mary Lou Smith, Pat Grandziel, Bill Faltinoski, just to name a few. And many who are still on the staff.

Town you currently reside in:
Las Vegas, NV

What you are doing now:
I am currently the school counselor at Cristo Rey St. Viator College Preparatory in Las Vegas. CRSV is the newest Viatorian High School. We serve students from families of limited means who could not normally attend a college prep high school. Our students fund their education by working one day a week to pay their own tuition at a corporate sponsor who pays most of their tuition. Most of our students have never had the opportunity to experience the academic rigor of a school like this so we are working hard to give them the tools they need to be successful. Our goal is to get all of them not only admitted into the college of their choice but to walk with them through graduation. It is quite a bit different than the experience of Saint Viator High School. Our students work hard and really have to overcome some obstacles to achieve success. We are in year two with a freshman and sophomore class and could not be more proud or excited.

Message for former colleagues and students:
Don't ever forget the value taught at Saint Viator. Reach out to those of little importance in the world and always make a positive difference in people's lives.

Get in touch:
Connect with Br. Rob by email at rrobertson@crsvlv.org.
Located in Arlington Heights, IL, Saint Viator High School is a private, co-ed, Catholic school for grades 9-12. Students benefit from a challenging academic program, fine and performing arts, competitive athletics, and a wide selection of extracurricular activities.